Drag & Drop Multiple File Upload (PRO) – WooCommerce


Drag & Drop Multiple File Upload Cf7

Drag and Drop Uploader a simple WordPress plugin extension for Contact Form 7, this will allow you to Upload multiple files using “Drag & Drop” or “Browse Multiple” in uploading area of your form.

For only $9.99

Pro Version

On premium features there are multiple and important options to use.

Image Preview

Once this option enable, it will show a thumbnail after uploading an image.

Auto Delete Files

To "save more space" from your server or if you don't want to store/save files, enable this option (hours, days) and files will be automatically deleted.

Zip Files

You can also compressed/zip files.

Save Files To Media Library

If you will enable this option all the files or attachment will be added to Wordpress Media Library.

Change Upload Directory

You have an options to save files/attachment to a different directoy (Random, Genearated, By User or Custom Folder ).

For only $9.99